Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fatally Flaky

Category 6: Days Of Destruction (Full Frame)

Category 6: Days Of Destruction (Full Frame)...Nature strikes out with unfathomable fury as the unimaginable becomes a terrifying reality. Three twisters descend upon Las Vegas leaving a neon wasteland in their wake. Hurricanes tear through the Gulf Coast without warning. Record-high temperatures scorch the northeast. One-hundred-mile-an-hour winds tear across the south. Lightning storms ignite the sky. Wildfires blaze out of control. For Amy Harkin, a budding Chicago anchorwoman looking for her big break, the fear of these weather anomalies is second only to the dread of the inevitable repercussions: rolling coast-to-coast blackouts and the dwindling sources needed to revive them. With the worse power breakdown on record l ooming, an overload could cripple the nation and leave the entire population in the dark, without communication and vulnerable to unthinkable dangers.... Click here or on the image for details

Fatally Flaky

Fatally Flaky...Colorado caterer Goldy Schulz encounters Bridezilla--and murder--in another delectable confection by the 'New York Times'-bestselling author of the Goldy Culinary Mysteries.... Click here or on the image for details

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